The Multiplier Effect

Transforming economies, one entrepreneur at a time.


high-impact entrepreneurs selected from 100k+ companies screened


jobs created by Endeavor Entrepreneurs


in revenues generated by Endeavor Entrepreneurs in 2022


in equity capital raised by Endeavor Entrepreneurs


team members on the ground in 42 markets around the world

Our Entrepreneurs

ScaleUp Program

"We're thrilled to launch Endeavor in Romania to help local entrepreneurs scale up and multiply their impact by investing in, mentoring and inspiring the next generation. "

Linda Rottenberg
Co-Founder and CEO Endeavor

"At Endeavor, we believe in the transformational power of entrepreneurship, and FintechOS is solving the challenge of barriers institutions face in serving those financially excluded."

Allen Taylor
Managing Director of Endeavor Catalyst

"By helping the new generation of entrepreneurs succeed, Endeavor will contribute to Romania's economic and social development, while amplifying the enormous potential they have."

Rozalia Nistor
CEO Centrico Selir, Sella Group

"Endeavor's global movement is transforming economies, one entrepreneur at a time."

Edgar Bronfman, Jr.
General Partner, Accretive LLC; Chairman, Endeavor Global